
We offer you the most up to date technology

Our office is one of the few in Broadview to offer the newest technology in digital x-rays. The low dose radiation machine reduces radiation exposure to you, the patient, by 50 percent. We offer four treatment rooms, with computers that aid the doctor with an accurate diagnosis. They come equipped with digital technology, flat screen TV's, intraoral cameras, plus pillow, blankets, and hot towels for your comfort.

We can perfect you and your family's smile

Whether it changing the shape, size, and alignment of teeth, filling gaps, repair decayed, broken cracked, or chipped teeth, we offer numerous options. We can replace teeth or previous unattractive dental work. We offer veneers, bridgework, implants, and bleaching.

Services we offer include:

Emergency Dental Treatment

If you have a life-threatening or severe injury, call 911 or go directly to the nearest hospital emergency room. We can treat a variety of traumatic dental injuries, including teeth that have been chipped, moved, or knocked out entirely. Please call our office for assistance.